Most people are aware if they snore although will often deny it. But many people may not be aware they have obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) which accompanies or follows snoring. Sleep apnoea is causing thousands of people to feel constantly tired and lethargic and puts them at risk of other serious health problems including hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, cognitive decline and respiratory failure.
A 2005 Yale University School of Medicine study found that people with sleep apnoea are three times more likely to have a stroke or die than people of similar health who do not have the breathing disorder.
In a 2008 Hungarian study, scientists conducted interviews with 12,643 patients. According to the results, loud snorers had 40% greater risk of having hypertension, 34% greater risk of having a heart attack and 67% greater risk of having a stroke, compared with people who do not snore, after statistical adjustment for sex, age, body mass index, diabetes, level of education, smoking, and alcohol consumption.
A 1999 study found that snoring may increase risk of hypertension in women, independent of age, body mass index, waist circumference, and other lifestyle factors.i
In addition to cardiovascular risk, research found there was a strong association between snoring and sleep apnoea to Alzheimer’s and increased risk of cancer.
The Buteyko Method of breathing retraining can help relieve your snoring and sleep apnoea without the need for anti-snoring aids or surgery. Most of our clients achieve an improvement in their snoring and reduction in sleep apnoea episodes within the first few days of the programme. Contact us to book a consultation or for more information about our programmes.
See also our Sleep Apnea page »
Health Professionals, read more here:
"Cardiovascular Disease and Health-Care Utilization in Snorers: a Population Survey" »
i Hu, FB Prospective Study of Snoring and Risk of Hypertension in Women American Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 150, Issue 8, 15 October 1999, Pages 806–816