Buteyko Breathing Clinic 2014 New Year Newsletter
In this newsletter
Happy New Year 2014 on behalf of the Buteyko Breathing Clinic!
We hope that you have all enjoyed a wonderful summer holiday and that your 2014 is off to a fantastic start. We started the year off with courses in January and February. Glenn was invited to give a breakfast talk to media kindly organised and hosted by ecostore. 2014 promises to be an exciting year for our clinic. New practitioners Tricia, Susan, Melody and Olga will be helping Glenn run courses this year. You can read about our new practitioners on the website
How about an allergy-free summer?
Were you plagued by hay fever over the summer break? Antihistamines and steroid nasal sprays only suppress the symptoms and like all medications have side effects. For example, long-term use of nasal steroids raises the risk of developing cataracts and glaucoma in later life.
In the 15 February issue of The New Zealand Listener, nutritionist Jennifer Bowden reveals a hidden side effect of anti-histamines. A 2010 study in the Journal of Obesity found that antihistamine users had significantly higher body weight, waist circumference and insulin concentrations than non-users. Turns out antihistamines stimulate your appetite and lead to weight gain. And you thought it was those extra helpings of turkey with stuffing, summer barbeques and bubbles!
Glenn White: "I suffered from seasonal hay fever and took antihistamines and nasal steroids on and off for 30 years. The Buteyko course I did in 2000 stopped my allergies and I haven’t taken medications since that time. I have helped thousands overcome their allergies and can help you do the same."
And for those that like to see the evidence: The Buteyko Method has been clinically shown to reduce the symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis by 70%. Read about the Limerick Hospital study here
If you would you like to put an end to allergies and hay fever once and for all, why not enrol in a course this March and take advantage of our old course prices before fees rise in April.
So, take charge of your health without delay and book yourself into one of our March courses. Phone Dawn on 09-360 6291 to book a place.
View our 2014 course schedule here
Next Practitioner Training starts in March 2014
Practitioner Training starts at our Freemans Bay clinic on 3 March 2014. Practitioner Training includes practical and theoretical training in the Buteyko Institute Method of Breathing Training. On completion of the training programme you will be certified to teach the Buteyko Clinic breathing training programme for sleep, respiratory, cardiovascular and stress-related disorders resulting from faulty breathing.
If you would like to know more about the training programme please contact the clinic on 09-360 6291.
Course schedules for 2014 are now online
Click here to view the course schedule
Note: After holding our course fees at the same rate for many years, we will be increasing them in April 2014. March courses will be the last held at the current price.
NZ Health & Fitness Day Retreat at Next Generation 15 March 2014
NZ Health & Fitness are holding a Day Retreat. Find out:
- how stress and obesity are killing us
- what to do to beat this
- how you can slow down the ageing process
- the best exercise regime for you
- how to gain motivation, confidence and self-esteem, and be in action using neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).
Glenn will be joining Dr Libby Weaver, Lani Lopez and Nadia Lim, and there will be a guest appearance from a leading sports personality.
Click here for more details and bookings online
Ecostore media event 19 February 2014
I was invited to give a breakfast talk to media kindly organised and hosted by ecostore. The event was supposed to be a joint presentation by myself and the affable Malcolm Rands. As it turned out, yours truly got carried away leaving Malcolm mere minutes to tell us about the hazards of household airborne toxins and irritants in common household cleaning products and how they contribute to respiratory conditions.
The event was timed for the lead-up to World Asthma Day on 7th May. Malcolm was very good-natured about it and has promised to contribute an article on this subject for our next newsletter. Ecostore products are the best choice if you want to minimise exposure to toxic chemicals in your home. And throughout February they are offering 20% off all products. Glenn White
Meet our new Practitioners
New practitioners Tricia, Susan, Melody and Olga will be helping Glenn run courses this year. Click on their photos below to read more about them.
Susan Allen

Tricia Enriquez-Gault

Olga Horne
Melody Davidson
Recent testimonials
Thank you to the many clients and health professionals who continue to send testimonials which we will be sharing with you in the coming months. We have included a just-received testimonial from Dr Libby Weaver and some feedback from clients that have recently completed courses with us.
Dr Libby Weaver
Relearning how to breathe in a way that supports outstanding health can be game-changing for great digestion, hormonal balance and restorative sleep, as well as the function of the respiratory system. And Glenn is a wonderful coach whose techniques and experience can make a huge difference.
Dr Libby Weaver is one of Australasia’s leading nutritional biochemists, author and speaker, now based in Sydney, Australia. www.drlibby.com

Dr Vijay Murthy, B.Ayu Med & Surgery, M.Surgery, B.Nat, MPH
Thank you Glenn for teaching me this essential life skill. I would highly recommend Buteyko as most people trigger stress response by incorrect breathing. Buteyko can re-align our neuro-hormonal response to function at its best. By learning Buteyko breathing techniques we can expect to live a healthier life as well as preventing stress related chronic illness.
Dr Vijayendra Murthy is a holistic health practitioner, academic and researcher in complementary and alternative medicine. Currently based in London, he offers personalised healthcare consultations, working with clients throughout the world www.ayuwave.com

Jackie Thomson BHSc (Nsg) RGON
I wish I was aware of the Buteyko Breathing programme when the children were young. They were all hospitalised with asthma when Ventolin syrup was the only option. Glenn presented the course so well that I can visualise what is happening as I breathe.
It certainly throws conventional asthma control on its head. I’ve told all my friends, including some in medicine, and family of all the positive effects.

Alan Hughes
Breathing retraining has transformed my health. The symptoms of asthma are gone and I no longer need to use inhalers. I would heartily recommend the Buteyko Course, as taught by Glenn, to anyone wanting a change from chronic asthma, dependence on inhalers, and fatigue resulting from poor sleep.
Click here to read more testimonials from clients and medical professionals
Asthma Achievers award
 Wanna know how I got rid of asthma and allergies? |
Every year the Asthma Foundation of New Zealand seeks nominations for their annual Asthma Achievers awards. Awards go to adults, children and sportspeople who are managing their asthma with medication and who have excelled in some way despite their condition. These people are courageous and their stories are heart-warming but the common thread in all these stories is that asthma is something to live with and medication is for life. Sadly none of the Asthma Foundation achievers seem aware that there are alternatives to drugs and dust mite covers and this is never an option presented.
We think it’s time to get the message out that there is a drug-free way to manage asthma.
We are seeking submissions from past clients to create our own Asthma Achievers website. If you feel you have benefited from learning the Buteyko programme,please contact us on 09-360 6291.
You are also welcome to send us an account of your experience by email to info@buteykobreathing.co.nz. We would love to hear your story and it can be as wordy or as brief as you like. And please send us a photo of yourself :-)
Kaytee Boyd's Balanced Wellbeing Clinic now in Ponsonby Central
Kaytee Boyd has recently moved her clinic from Takapuna to Ponsonby Central. Kaytee caters to clients of all ages and levels of fitness who are interested in achieving optimal health and top performance. Visit her website here
Kaytee has worked in many facets of the health industry over the past decades, as an exercise professional, strength conditioner, CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Nutrition Specialist and Sports & Biomedical Nutritionist.
Innovative and integrative, Kaytee specializes in cancer, high energy and vitality for those who have lost theirs, adrenal fatigue and CFS, thyroid and hormone imbalance, gut and food allergies, and now works alongside a specialist doctor running a highly successful hormone weight loss program.
Kaytee also offers dynamic seminars, corporate packages and hosts "health retreats" in Fiji as well as retreats for external companies.
Kaytee can help you with:
- thyroid and adrenal health
- nutritional support through stressful times
- detoxification processes
- cholesterol management without medication
- reducing blood pressure without medication
- Improving women's hormonal health, particularly premenstrual tension (PMT), polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis and fibrocystic breasts
- body fat loss, especially when many diet and exercise programs have made little difference
- gut challenges, including constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), reflux and heartburn
- food allergies and food intolerances
- pre-event nutrition for athletes
- eating for general wellbeing
Contact Kaytee on M: 021 44 03 41 E: kayteeboydnz@gmail.com www.balancedwellbeing.co.nz
Phone our clinic (09) 360 6291 to book a consultation, seminar, course or refresher
Please forward this email on to anyone you know who may benefit from improving their breathing. You may be responsible for changing their life!
Hope to see you soon
Glenn, Dawn, Olga, Tricia, Melody and Susan at the Buteyko Breathing Clinic

Buteyko is a clinically proven technique that delivers immediate and sustained relief from breathing-related problems. It is drug free and can be practised by children and adults.
Buteyko Breathing Clinics provide private consultations and programmes for people needing treatment for snoring, sleep apnoea, insomnia, asthma, sinusitis, hay fever, allergies, chronic bronchitis, COPD / emphysema, anxiety or panic attacks, and other breathing-related disorders.
Glenn White BSc MSc Registered Practitioner / Practitioner Trainer BIM 20 Arthur Street Freemans Bay Auckland 1011 New Zealand
Phone: (09) 360 6291
Read our testimonials