Steps to become a BIBH Breathing Educator
Learn how to teach the Buteyko Institute Method (BIM) to children and adults.
This series of courses is designed to give you the opportunity to progress all the way to becoming a fully qualified BIBH certified breathing educator.
There are five modules as follows:
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More information
For those who simply want to learn about breathing dysfunction, in order to give sound advice and guidelines to your patients, the Essentials of Healthy Breathing course alone will be an ideal adjunct to your practice.
For those who wish to take the management of breathing dysfunction further, after completing the essentials of healthy breathing course, further training modules can be completed which lead to registration as a BIBH Breathing Educator. This is for practitioners who wish to work alongside GPs, dentists, psychotherapists and other health practitioners (and where appropriate) to support their patients to wean from dental appliances, CPAP machines, and medications used to control the symptoms of breathing-related disorders.
The role of a BIBH breathing educator is to help clients to learn to breathe in a functional manner in order to reduce symptoms of breathing dysfunction. This is done by using an extensive programme of breathing exercises which the client practises for a minimum of six weeks. In addition, clients are taught nutritional and lifestyle guidelines.
The five modules
Modules 1-4 are available in training sessions in Auckland.
1. The Essentials of Healthy Breathing
Learn how to identify breathing dysfunction and educate your clients about the effects of breathing pattern dysfunction on health, physiology and performance. Teach them strategies to alleviate symptoms and implement the essential first steps towards healthier breathing.
2. Experience the Breathing Programme
Undertake a complete Breathing Retraining Programme as the client. Learn first-hand the benefits of optimal breathing, how it feels and potentially make improvement to your own health and wellbeing with this life-changing program.
3. The Essentials of Breathing Retraining
The science and application of being a Breathing Educator. Learn how to put the theory behind Breathing Retraining into practice. How exactly does a Breathing Educator help people to change their habitual breathing patterns? Guidelines for working with clients and their doctor/other health professionals.
4. Observe “Live” Clients Being Taught by a BIBH Breathing Educator
See how a busy breathing clinic is run and learn how to manage multiple clients in a group setting whilst tailoring the exercises to the individual clients’ needs and medical history.
You are required to observe a total of 50 clients in order to qualify as a BIBH associate practitioner. Follow-up may include live observation as well as via Skype or video format.
5. Assessment and Certification
There are a number of assignments which must be completed by you and then marked by a BIBH representative. Upon successful completion, you will obtain BIBH Associate status.
Module 1: The Essentials of Healthy Breathing
This two-day workshop is offered in Auckland and taught by Glenn White.
Module 2: Experience the Breathing Programme
Please note that this is a 4-consecutive-day programme with live follow-up sessions or by Skype as needed. This module can be completed by attending any scheduled Buteyko clinic course by an affiliated BIBH practitioner.
Module 3: The Essentials of Breathing Retraining
This is offered in conjunction with module 4 and includes discussion of client observations with your trainer, discussion of case studies for a wide range of breathing-related disorders, theoretical and practical instruction in the BIM of breathing retraining. Guidelines for working with clients and their doctor/other health professionals and, where appropriate, supporting their patients to wean from MAS, CPAP and medications used to control the symptoms of breathing-related disorders.
This module is usually offered the week following Module 1 in Auckland.
Module 4: Observe Clients Taught the Programme by a BIBH Certified Breathing Educator
You can complete this module at the same time as modules 2 and 3 in Auckland or by attending any scheduled courses held by Glenn and other BIBH registered practitioners throughout New Zealand. Trainees will follow the progress of clients through the 6-week programme. Follow-up may include live observation as well as via Skype or video format.
Module 5: Assessment and Certification
Assessment is in the form of written assignments and is done from the convenience of your own home. Completed assignments are submitted to your trainer. Successful completion of your assignments is the final step to being registered as an Associate Practitioner BIBH Breathing Educator.
Practitioner Training Auckland
Workshops delivered by Glenn White
Module 1: Essentials of Healthy Breathing – $2,090
Two-day workshop including theory and practical sessions
Module 2: Experience the Breathing Programme – $795
8 hours face to face – you are the client – practical sessions
Module 3: Essentials of Breathing Retraining
This module is normally done in conjunction with module 4 and includes instruction in the BIM of breathing retraining and discussion of client cases observed in module 4.
Next training dates: To be announced
Module 4: Observe a Minimum of 50 Clients Taught the BIM
Follow-up may include live observation as well as via Skype or video format.
Module 5: Assessment and Certification
The final step to being registered as an associate Practitioner BIBH Breathing Educator
Modules 3-5 – $5,500
Modules 3-5 can be done in conjunction with each other or in stages and may typically take 6-12 months to complete. The fee may be paid in instalments. There are a number of payment options available which can be discussed with your trainer.
Your trainer will cover the initial BIBH joining fee (AUD $55*) and first year’s registration with the BIBH (AUD $250*).
All 5 segments of training must be completed within 12 months in order to achieve registration as a BIBH Breathing Educator.
Training fees quoted are valid at April 2023. Check with our clinic to confirm current fees.
* The BIBH is incorporated in Australia and the annual fee is set in Australian dollars. The NZ dollar amount will vary with the exchange rate.
Contact us
Please contact Glenn at the Buteyko Breathing Clinic for further details about upcoming training. We can also email you a full training prospectus.
Tel: +64 -9 360 6291 / Email:
About your trainer
Glenn is a senior BIBH-certified practitioner trainer. He runs training courses in New Zealand, Australia, SE Asia and Japan. Thousands of people have attended his clinics in New Zealand since 2001.
Contact the Buteyko Breathing Clinic if you would like to receive a copy of our training prospectus or for more details about practitioner training.