From just over a year old, my son Joseph was a serious asthmatic. I feel I kept him alive for the first few years on the nebuliser, and I was constantly feeding him drugs which made him shaky and over-active. When admitted to hospital he was given even more drugs. Finally getting to an asthma specialist improved our management, as we were made aware for the first time of how allergic he was to dust, cats and dogs. Out went the carpets and I was strict with my dust regime. But he was still dependent on medication and nothing offered him the chance to change.
It is incredible to see him at the age of 19 free of daily asthma drugs and able to play sport without stopping and using Ventolin. He took to Buteyko from the start and within a week or two (although not advised) was off all medication. He can see the promise offered to him and has been regular in his practice so he has gained enormous benefits. Buteyko has been fantastic, offering him freedom to breathe freely for the first time in his life.