Twenty-six children were identified of whom 8 (aged 7–16 years) were eligible for inclusion; being previously diagnosed with asthma by their GP and using medication for asthma for at least 6 months with significant use of medication for asthma in the 2 weeks prior; no prior instruction in BBT; and no significant unstable medical condition.
Beta agonist reliever medication was reduced by 66% and inhaled corticosteroid use by 41%. Of the eight participants, one reported “no change” in his/her asthma, six reported “slightly improved”, and one reported “markedly improved”. There were no reports of asthma deterioration.
‘Given the association between the Buteyko breathing technique (BBT) and medication reduction in this group of children, and the similarity with adults, we suggest that BBT would merit exploration by a randomised controlled trial in children.’
Patrick McHugh, Fergus Aitcheson, Bruce Duncan, Frank Houghton Buteyko breathing technique and asthma in children: a case series NZMJ 19 May 2006, Vol 119 No 1234