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Practitioner Training in Japan

Practitioner Training in Japan

Glenn is currently conducting practitioner training in Japan. He is teaching at a dental clinic in Shizuoka that specialises in children’s dentistry and early intervention growth orthodontics.

Arisa Shioda one of the principal dentists at Duckling Dental Clinic travelled to our clinic in New Zealand in February to start her training. Glenn is now in Japan to complete training and help set up Buteyko programmes at their clinic in Shizuoka.

Duckling Dental is an innovative clinic that among other things teaches a simple tongue-clicking exercise for resolving tongue ties, making surgery unnecessary. They have also developed innovative techniques for relaxing their children so that even difficult procedures can be carried out without general anaesthetic.  More on this in our next newsletter!

Duckling Clinic       Duckling Clinic

Posted: Sat 14 Jun 2014


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