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Buteyko Breathing Clinics Holiday Hours and Looking Forward to 2025

Pohutukawa in full bloom

Happy Holidays

Once again, thank you to all my wonderful clients and fellow health practitioners. It has been such a treat to work with you these last 23 years. Our understanding about the science of breathing and its fundamental influence on health is expanding rapidly. There has never been a better time to be working and learning in this field. I am grateful for the contributions from fellow, New Zealand-based breathing educators: Dina Ceniza, Nicky McLeod, Felicity Campbell, Susan Allen and our most recent graduate, Melody Stewart. Your passion and dedication have helped expand awareness about the power of breath and is bringing this essential knowledge to a wider audience.

Buteyko Breathing Clinics Holiday Hours

The Clinic reopens for consultations from the 6 January 2025 and our first courses start on 13 January. Details are included below.

School holiday course for children and teens

Monday 13 – Thursday 16 January, 11am to 12pm

Read more about courses for children and teens

Mixed course suitable for ages 7 and up

Monday 13 – Thursday 16 January 6pm to 7:30pm

Read more about mixed courses for children (7 and up) and adults

A full schedule and bookings are available online

Book online here

Course follow-up sessions

For clients that have not completed their session six follow-up sessions, I have set aside appointment times in February and March. You can book online. This session is included in the course fee. I will also be following up with all clients by phone in February.

Staying healthy this summer

I have put together a list of ten suggestions to help fortify your immune system to ward off any bugs that might be circulating over the summer months.

Ten tips to help you stay in optimal health these holidays

  1. Get outdoors to enjoy the fresh air and sunlight. Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin and just a few minutes of sun exposure can deliver as much as 20,000 IU of vitamin D. (1,000 IU of Vitamin D is the Medsafe recommended daily allowance.) [i] 
  2.  Exercise. People who keep fit get fewer colds than those who are sedentary. Thirty minutes of physical exercise a day should be an easy task this summer and it doesn’t have to be strenuous. Walking and swimming are great. Get to the ocean or into the bush if you can. 
  3. Breathe through your nose to filter, humidify, and remove bacteria and viruses from inhaled air. Humans are not designed to breathe through the mouth. Whether you are sleeping, resting, working or doing physical exercise, breathe in and out through the nose. No exceptions. (See advice below on breathing for Yoga and Pilates.)
  4. Getting adequate sleep is important. 7-8 hours for an adult and a little more for teens and children. Oversleeping can negatively impact your breathing. However, there is nothing wrong with a 20-minute rejuvenating nap in the afternoon. 
  5. Love and laughter have been clinically shown to stimulate the production of T cells that fight infection.
  6. Rainbow vegetables, fruit, whole grains, seeds and nuts provide a wealth of essential nutrients along with Vitamins A, C, D, zinc, omega 3 essential fatty acids and antioxidants. These are essential for optimal immune function.  And make sure you are getting adequate protein.
  7. Limit sugar and refined white flour products. These refined carbohydrates can impair your gut microbiome, play havoc with your blood sugar and contribute to day-time fatigue. Try a few sugar-free days and notice the difference. 
  8. Milk and milk products can trigger asthma, cough, hay fever and nasal congestion. They also contribute to snoring and insomnia.
  9. Avoid processed foods as these can impair your gut microbiome.
  10. Take time out from your electronic devices and feel the stress melt away.

[i] A Study has identified Near IR light as an important factor in boosting immunity and shortening the length and severity of COVID symptoms. Near infra-red light is present in sunlight and this study might be the first to establish another factor in the health benefits of sunlight.  

2nd Integrative Airway Summit & Myofocus Functional Health Symposium

I am very excited to be included in a star-studded line-up of speakers at the 2nd Integrative Airway Summit & Myofocus Functional Health Symposium  This symposium is for health practitioners keen to learn about advances in the understanding of airway health and how to optimise it.

Read More

Contacting the clinic during the holiday period 

If you need support or advice at any stage, the best way to reach me is at

Have a wonderful summer break and I look forward to seeing you in 2025!

Happy Holidays, Glenn
The Buteyko Breathing Clinic

Helping people with breathing disorders since 2001

20 Arthur Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland 1011, New Zealand  |  Phone +64 9 360 6291  |  Email

Download our leaflets [PDFs]:  Do you suffer from asthma or allergies? »    Do you snore or suffer from sleep apnoea? »

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