If there is one thing in my life that I have always wished for, it is that somehow my asthma would go away or be cured.
I have always been a chronic asthmatic, and have suffered from numerous attacks and even visits to hospital. My whole life I have been pumping drugs into my system to try and suppress the asthma.
Buteyko has completely changed my view on asthma control. Since completing six weeks of training I have now dropped the amount of usage and reliance on my inhalers to a point that I am rarely using them at all anymore. Buteyko has helped me to perform at a higher level in my physical life too. Being a keen skateboarder and basketball player being able to breathe with freedom has boosted my confidence. I no longer have to use my inhaler as I am no longer constantly running out of breath.
I still practice my Buteyko and exercise regularly. Buteyko is putting me on track to becoming asthma free. I owe allot to the course and hope I continue to prosper from it.